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Girl Scout Cookies Grow Journal

Girl Scout Cookies grow journal
Posted by: Samuel Thomasino Category: Grow Journals Comments: 0

Girl Scout Cookies Grow Journal

Girl Scout Cookies Strain + Grow Setup Info

GSC is a globally known cannabis strain that packs enormous amounts of THC. In this Journal, the grower is cultivating 4 Girl Scout Cookies seeds by Dark Wizard Genetics using the below setup.

girl scout cookies strain stats

For more details, or to purchase these seeds, check out the official strain info on the Girl Scout Cookies seeds page

In this grow journal the plant will be grown under these conditions:
Lighting: 2 x 1000w Sun Master Dual Sec Lamps with Parabolic Reflectors
Light Cycle: 18/6 & 12/12
Temperature: 24-30°C
Grow Space: Indoor
Medium: Coco
PH level: 5.8-6.2

4 x 15 Litre Air-Pots
1 x Bluelab Ec Truncheon
1 x Essentials Ph Pen
1 x 2Kw Oscillating Fan Heater
1 x ATC 800+ Varic fan controler
1 x Ruck 200L Extraction
1 x Ruck 150L Intake
4x 15″ Oscillating Circulation Fans
1 x 200 Litre Water Butt
1 x V60 Air Pump
2 x 6″ ceramic air stones

Nutrients & Supplements
Canna Coco A&B
Growth Technology Liquid Silicon
Vitalink Fulvic Acid
Growth Technology Ph Down
Canna Boost
Canna pk 13/14


girl scout cookies seeds germination
The GSC seeds are placed into a damp paper towel and left in a slightly warm space in the dark.

girl scout cookies seeds germinated
After just two days the seeds had a strong germination rate! Nice healthy white tails are protruding out of 4 of the 5 seeds (the 5th seed has opened with a crack down the side) so they are ready to plant into jiffy pellets.

seeds start
To increase humidity to help the seedlings grow they are placed in a propagator under a T5 light.

Girl Scout Cookies Seedling – 3 Days

girl scout cookies 7 days seedling
3 days after breaking ground! Repotted into their final pots.

Girl Scout Cookies Seedling – 7 Days (1 week)

girl scout cookies 7 days seedling
Plants broke ground seven days ago, still in seedling form.


Girl Scout Cookies Vegetation – 14 Days (2 weeks)

girl scout cookies 14 days veg
Plants are growing rapidly on 1.2EC of Canna A and B. No more root stimulator is being used as it is quite expensive and the budget does not allow for it.

Girl Scout Cookies Vegetation – 21 Days (3 weeks)

girl scout cookies 21 days veg
At 3 weeks old the plants were all low-stress trained. In a few weeks, there should be a lot of new shoots and the plants will be looking much bushier.

Girl Scout Cookies Vegetation – 28 Days (4 weeks)

girl scout cookies 28 days veg
Lots of strong shoots are growing at an impressive rate. The plants are all nice and healthy at week 4.

Girl Scout Cookies Vegetation – 35 Days (5 weeks)

girl scout cookies 35 days veg
Plants were flipped over into the flowering light schedule of 12/12 about 7 days ago. No white pistons yet but should not be much longer.


Girl Scout Cookies Flowering – 7 Days (1 week)

A solid 7 days into the flowering phase now! Plenty of bud sites are transforming.
girl scout cookies flower week 1

girl scout cookies flower week 1

Girl Scout Cookies Flowering – 14 Days (2 weeks)

girl scout cookies flower week 2
The flowering phase is happening astonishingly fast! Bud sites are all ready and building now.

Girl Scout Cookies Flowering – 21 Days (3 weeks)

girl scout cookies flower week 3
Flower is fully underway now. 3 weeks have passed since female pistons first showed in the 12/12 light schedule. Canna A + B + PK are being used in 1.4 EC feed.
girl scout cookies flower week 3

girl scout cookies flower week 3

Girl Scout Cookies Flowering – 28 Days (4 weeks)

Everything is on track in week 4 of flower. About 4 to 5 weeks until harvest time so plenty of time to gain lots of size and weight on all of the bud sites.
girl scout cookies flower week 4

Girl Scout Cookies Flowering – 35 Days (5 weeks)

Starting to smell a lot now, luckily there are two carbon filters to give the stinky air an extra scrub when leaving the building. Lots happening daily in terms of bud growth.
girl scout cookies flower week 5

girl scout cookies flower week 5

girl scout cookies flower week 5

girl scout cookies flower week 5

Girl Scout Cookies Flowering – 42 Days (6 weeks)

5 weeks since flower began, the plants drank another 200 liters of feed/water again last week, just did a fresh batch of feed tonight 200 liters of water, 200ml liquid silicone, 200ml PK 13/14, 500ml canna boost, and 200ml of A&B. This gave an Ec of 1.5 and it was Ph adjusted to 5.8, each plant got 4 litres each with a decent amount of runoff.

girl scout cookies flower week 6

girl scout cookies flower week 6

girl scout cookies flower week 6

The Girl Scout Cookies plants have packed on weight this week, like a fat bird in a cake shop. I’ve placed canes in the pots to support the forming coals as they are starting to head south & the ballasts are now on super lumens 1100w a piece. Everything is going to plan, no issues to report.

Girl Scout Cookies Flowering – 49 Days (7 weeks)

I normally flower Girl Scout Cookies strain for 10 weeks so there might still be 3 weeks left but could easily crop them in 2 weeks if I wanted. A fresh batch of feed was mixed up for the plants consisting of 200 liters of water, 200ml liquid silicone, 500ml canna boost & 300ml of A&B, 15ml Ph down. This gave an Ec of 1.5 with a Ph of 5.8. I’ve discontinued the PK now and will be tapering the feed strength down prior to the flush, just going to go with a 7-day flush on this run.
girl scout cookies flower week 7

girl scout cookies flower week 7

Buds have fattened up a fair bit in the last week, the last couple weeks is where the magic happens with these, love this bit, time for the foxtailing to begin. The smell is unbelievable now, caught a whiff from outside the room so off to get a new filter carbon tomorrow.

girl scout cookies flower week 7

Girl Scout Cookies Flowering – 56 Days (8 weeks)

8 weeks since 12/12, will be starting a 7-day flush next in around 5 days and after the flush, I will harvest them at around nine & half weeks. Ec is at 1.2 made up of coco A&B and canna boost. Buds are exploding now and fox tailing all over, they are dripping with resin and smell like the highest grade.
girl scout cookies flower week 8

girl scout cookies flower week 8

girl scout cookies flower week 8

Girl Scout Cookies Flowering – 65 Days (9 and a half weeks)

Ready for harvest! These Girl Scout Cookie plants have gone as far as possible and need to be harvested today at 9 and a half weeks.

girl scout cookies flower week 8

girl scout cookies flower week 8

girl scout cookies flower week 8

girl scout cookies ready for harvest


girl scout cookies harvest

I have got the dehumidifier going in the drying room, Rh sitting @ 55% temps 18c.

harvest drying

harvest drying

girl scout cookies harvest

As you can see, Girl Scout Cookies provided a bountiful yield! All the nugs are incredibly dense and heavy, with barely any popcorn nugs to be found.

How much did Girl Scout Cookies yield?

These 4 Girl Scout Cookies plants yielded 54 ounces dry.

How long did Girl Scout Cookies take to flower?

Flowering took 9 and a half weeks to get the Girl Scout Cookies completely ripe and ready to harvest.

How tall will Girl Scout Cookies grow?

These plants had some Low Stress Training involved which reduced the potential height. The final height was around 1.3 meters from the top of the pots.

Were Girl Scout Cookies easy to grow?

Plants were easy to grow, and no special treatment was needed compared to other strains.

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