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How to buy cannabis seeds in Australia

how to buy cannabis seeds in Australia
Posted by: Samuel Thomasino Category: Articles Comments: 0

How to buy cannabis seeds in Australia

If you are visiting Australia or you live there you may have some questions about using, growing, and distributing cannabis flowers and seeds. Australia has made progression in the last few years in regards to recreational and medicinal cannabis use. This article will inform you about Australia’s cannabis laws, who can legally poses, grow and distribute cannabis flowers and seeds, and also inform on how growers can achieve the best yields in Australia.

Who can legally poses, distribute and grow cannabis flowers and seeds

The cannabis laws in Australia can be overwhelming and somewhat confusing at times, listed below will help clarify-

The Australian Capital Territory passed a bill in 2019, which allows for residents to poses marijuana and cannabis seeds legally for medicinal and recreational use. This was the first Australian region to legalize cannabis use. ACT residents can also obtain cannabis seeds legally online and since 2020 ACT residents can legally possess up to 50g’s of cannabis and two plants (no more than 4 per household) for personal use, however, it is still deemed illegal for an ACT resident to distribute cannabis to others. This bill also requires cannabis to be kept away from children, residents cannot use it in the presence of children, and growing is restricted in communal gardens.

Licenced manufacturers are also able to legally grow and distribute cannabis for medicinal purposes; the manufacturers are supplied by the federal government. Australian residents are able to legally acquire medicinal cannabis through a doctor, although the process can take some time. A doctor is only able to supply a prescription if the individual meets specific requirements, such as a diagnosis of motor neurons disease or chemotherapy treatment. The cannabis used must also meet the requirements of the therapeutic goods act.

The food standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) legalized hemp food that had low THC available for human consumption.

Since 2016 the federal government office of drug control stated that cannabis could be grown legally for medicinal and scientific research purposes, however, the state laws differ-

Southern Australia
In 2016 medicinal cannabis became available to patients that held a prescription.

Australian Capital Territory
In 2016 ACT legalized medicinal cannabis to treat patients with pain, anxiety, and terminal illness.

In 2016 the Queensland public health act allowed patients suffering from conditions, such as HIV, cancer, and epilepsy to have access to medicinal cannabis.

Victoria only legalized medicinal cannabis for children that had a diagnosis of severe epilepsy to receive medicinal cannabis; the patient would only be prescribed this if other treatments were unsuccessful in easing symptoms.

New South Wales
Medicinal cannabis was made legal for adults with terminal illnesses in 2016.

Western Australia
Only patients with a specific diagnosis can legally access medicinal cannabis since 2016.

Northern Territory
Patients that have been diagnosed with specific conditions such as epilepsy and chronic pain have access to medicinal cannabis.

cannabis growing process

The growing process

If you are thinking about growing cannabis in Australia there are a few things to consider, firstly check the specific laws in your region. Then the seeds should be obtained from a reputable source, such as right here at Sticky Seeds. This will ensure the cannabis seeds are of good quality with a high germination rate, produce the best plants, and will have a variety of strains to suit your needs.

The climate should be considered as some strains may struggle in certain conditions, think about factors such as extreme heat or sudden changes to the weather, mould risks, and pests.

Take the time to find the strain that is most suitable for the climate.

Growers should plan ahead; determine the most suitable strain, growing location, and what the plants will be grown in.

When to start growing cannabis outside in Australia

The grower would typically begin the process in October; generally Australian residents would begin the growing process inside to protect the plants from the harsher colder weather. Once spring has begun the plants can then be moved outside, however, the plants may be vulnerable due to extreme weather, mould and pests as mentioned above. The grower should take these risks into consideration and act accordingly (bring the plants inside when the harsher weather comes around).

When to harvest the cannabis plant in Australia

The cannabis plants will generally be ready to harvest between March-May. Harvesting time can vary between these months due to the climate and strain.

Australian residents that live in areas where the weather is generally milder may be able to begin the growing process outside at any time of the year, which can result in up to four harvests a year. Many growers tend to buy autoflower seeds due to being able to harvest more times per year.

are cannabis seeds in australia legal

Is it legal to poses cannabis seeds in Australia?

The laws differ in each region, as mentioned previously ACT residents are able to legally grow two plants per person, but no more than four per household. ACT residents can also legally poses cannabis seeds but can only germinate two at one time.

Outside of the ACT Australian residents are only permitted to poses cannabis seeds if they are to be used for medicinal purposes.

Best place to buy cannabis seeds in Australia

Due to legal reasons there are currently no local options to buy cannabis seeds in Australia, this is due to law restrictions. There are many reputable seed banks online that can distribute seeds to Australia. Right here at Sticky Seeds we have a wide range of cannabis seeds that we can be ship to Australia, check out our feminized cannabis seeds for sale along with our autoflower seeds.

buy cannabis seeds australia

Recommended Cannabis Seed Strains to Buy and Grow in Australia

Top yielding strains for growing outside in Australia:
Super skunk
Auto Sour diesel
Northern lights
Auto Northern Lights
Super silver haze
Auto White Widow

Overall the cannabis laws in the Australian Capital Territory have had a positive effect on Australia’s economy and the use of medicinal cannabis has improved the quality of life for many terminally ill individuals. If you are looking into buying seeds online, most importantly check the laws in your region and be sure to reference the points covered in this article to ensure the most effective outcomes.

The contents of this article are for informational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice under any circumstances.

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