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Can you buy cannabis seeds on eBay?

cannabis seeds and ebay
Posted by: Samuel Thomasino Category: Articles Comments: 0

Can you buy cannabis seeds on eBay?

Ebay is one of the largest selling platforms on the internet and has been around since 1995. People can buy nearly anything they desire on this marketplace. But if you ever decided to shop for cannabis seeds on eBay then you would have had a disappointing result. Continue reading to look into whether eBay can sell cannabis seeds, what their policy says in regards to sellers listing cannabis seeds, and also the most suitable places to purchase cannabis seeds online.

Are cannabis seeds sold on eBay?

If you have ever searched for cannabis seeds on eBay you wouldn’t have had much luck as eBay does not allow the sale of cannabis seeds. Some sellers make attempts to list cannabis seeds on eBay as another product but the listings are likely to be reported if eBay isn’t already aware of the listing. Once eBay is aware of sellers listing cannabis seeds the listing will be removed from the website.

Ebay’s policy in regard to cannabis seeds

Ebay has a strict policy prohibiting the sale of many products, one restricted item is any drug-like substance, which includes cannabis seeds. Ebay’s policies also state that sellers cannot list any drug paraphernalia, which includes any item in relation to any form of drug use.

Any seller that is found to be selling prohibited items such as cannabis seeds can expect the listing to be removed and potentially any other active listings removed. eBay may also lower the seller’s rating, apply buying and or selling restrictions, and also account suspension.

Ebay has to work within the state and federal laws and regulations. These laws and regulations state that controlled substances are illegal and therefore cannot be sold on eBay. Although cannabis seeds are not a controlled substance eBay prohibits any drug-related substances or products.

Where else can you buy cannabis seeds?

As eBay is not somewhere to purchase cannabis seeds, you may be thinking can I purchase cannabis seeds online? There are many websites that can legally sell cannabis seeds, such as right here on our website!

Using a reputable website such as Sticky Seeds is the safest way for a customer to purchase cannabis seeds legally. The benefits of buying from a reputable seller include better quality seeds, a wider variety of strains to choose from, genuine customer reviews, and an online support network if you have any queries or issues.

To conclude, eBay is not the most suitable place to buy or sell this type of seed. Sellers that attempt to sell these products unlawfully disguising the product as something else are at risk of having their accounts suspended.

This article is written for informational purposes only and should not be used as legal advice under any circumstances. Please also be aware that cannabis seeds are legal to sell and possess in the UK but germinating and growing the seeds is illegal and can result in fines, criminal records, and a prison sentence.

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