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cannabis dna

How do the genetic traits of cannabis seeds affect the potency and flavor of the final product?

The genetic traits of cannabis seeds play a significant role in determining both the potency and flavor of the final product. These traits are encoded in the plant's DNA and dictate the expression of key chemical compounds like cannabinoids, terpenes,...

Do Cannabis Seeds Go Bad? A Comprehensive Guide to Seed Viability and Longevity

Cannabis cultivation begins with one crucial element: the seed. Whether you're a seasoned grower or a novice, understanding the lifespan and quality of your cannabis seeds is essential. A common question many growers ask is, “Do cannabis seeds go bad?”...

Top 10 Easiest Cannabis Strains to Grow for Beginners

Top 10 Easiest Cannabis Strains to Grow for Beginners

Cannabis cultivation can be an incredibly rewarding experience, offering growers the satisfaction of nurturing a plant from seed to harvest. However, for beginners, choosing the right strain can make all the difference in ensuring a successful and low-stress grow. Not...

The correct way to store cannabis seeds

It does not matter whether you have 1 cannabis seed or 1000 cannabis seeds, you should be storing them correctly to ensure they remain viable. Many growers and collectors do not realise that a cannabis seed will expire and become...

How long do cannabis seeds last?

Many collectors do not realise that the seeds they are keeping may already be dead and useless. Cannabis seeds, along with all other types of seed, have an expiry date. But do not worry as there are a few ways...

fastest flowering strains in 2021

I Tried 5 Fastest Flowering Cannabis Strains (Here’s #1)

Talk is cheap and innacurate information on the web is rife. This is why I took it upon myself to compare the results of the 5 fastest flowering cannabis strains to prove once and for all which seed provides the...

highest yielding strains

The Top 5 Highest Yielding Cannabis Strains

With hundreds of new breeders popping up every week, selecting the highest yielding cannabis strain is not as easy as you may first have thought. With so many companies claiming to have the best genetics it can easily become overwhelming....

Highest THC Strains in 2023

Here are our Highest THC Cannabis Strains -38% Select options Wedding Cake Feminized Seeds 0 out of 5 From: £25.00 per pack Breeder: Mother GooseCBD: LowFlavour: Earthy, sweet, vanillaFlowering: 8 WeeksHeight: ShortIndica / Sativa: ...

How long to vegetate a plant before flowering

How long to vegetate a cannabis plant before flowering

All growers do things differently and as they complete more grows they will naturally form their own unique plans on how to effectively grow cannabis to a standard that suits them. But one of the most commonly asked questions from...


How to Fix a Clipper lighter That Sparks but Won’t Light

It is no secret that the quality of clipper lighters has gone downhill. Many folks say that they have done this on purpose so they do not last as long as consumers have to buy more. Clipper conspiracies aside, there is...

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